Wednesday, December 3, 2008

health & foster care etc...

What an amazing 36 hours or so. I talked with my brother, he's going back to Oklahoma to try help out our folks. They are living on social security, Mom's health is failing fast and Dad has his own issues. They both may have to go into a nursing home...this sucks!

Part of my motivation to succeed as an Artist is to be in a place where money isn't so much of an issue. When I can, I'll bring them back out to California...rescue them from the 'prison' of the nursing home.

Yesterday, in the NEWS I heard about the 17 year old boy that was tortured and held captive in a 'Foster Home' in Tracy, California.

I'm also thinking about the 46 million of American's just like me that don't have and can't currently afford health insurance.

Also I'm thinking of the elder care I do as my work, (when I'm not working on my documentary film production)...

The man I lived with and took care of for 1 1/2 years,...he paid apx. $100,000 a year for 24/7 live-in home care... Oh' how I wish my folks could afford this kind of care...

Since the mid 80's I've worked in the juvenile justice system, and or mentored working in elder care...and trying to make it as an Artist.

You know, it costs over $100,000 a year to keep an adult in the prison system here in America.
How crazy is that, good people like my folks are left grovling for crumbs of assistance and we in this great country lock up an 18 year old that smokes too much pot...(same money...messed up deal)...

Well enough... name is Terry Smith and I approve this message!

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