It's 12:20am, here at LeStat's in San Diego...I didn't think I was going to share TMI anymore on this blog, but since people are saying a lot lately; "you're life's a movie"...oh yeah? Well...damn, why do so many people wear black at hipster coffee shops? Let me back up a bit, Saturday I woke up in my car...had a good nights rest
over in North Park. OH! I must say this before I forget, at first I thought this would be titled: Fuck Poverty/Capitalism/TMI,etc. However, 'Paying my dues' works.
Know this, I have $1.81 in my personal checking account, also I have $1.81 in my business checking crazy is that?! A few minutes ago I was in Mira Mesa, since my brother decided to go to LA to celebrate Chinese New Year, I had to experience my great American SUPERBOWL tradition at a bar. Though I'm uber broke, it was necessary for me to feel like a normal Good Ol'boy today...or yesterday now.
On top of the past 36 hours, not only did I lose the elderly female Client that I care for...I've had the shits (diarrhea) as well. Damn, now that's TMI, LOL. Think about it, this is MY YEAR, my career is taking off...but I can so identify with POVERTY. So, I'm sitting in my car...apx. 12 miles from my normal neighborhood where my friend's 24 hour coffee shop is...oh, a great place for coffee and to take a shit, btw...anywho...that's near where I sleep at night in my car on the weekends...thank God I don't live where it's snowing, I'd have frozen to death by now. So there I sit, thinking...damn, I gotta get some I need to shit anytime soon?...what a kenundrum! Jeeze Louize, I'm thinking of my last text to Sean, who's working on my fundraiser trailer/trailer to show people etc...and I'm in contact with some "A-List" Celebs in the Photog/Art World...I told Sean that I need to get one of these guys to produce and take over and finish direction of America's Finest Kids. All this is in my head...I'm thinking of how much it sucks to not have any money...the idea of Capitalism too in my mind, the magazine...ADBUSTERS...all about anti-capitalism...oh, Saturday I'm online with my amazingly beautiful Skater-Model friend in France, I want him in my American film...and why, Because I simply want him in it...he can skate naked with some of my American Skater boys...straight too for those fuckers with boners. So, he's out of work and had to move back home, we skyped for over an hour, it was fun...this cute Chic at the coffee shop sat next to me, so I showed her to him...great connection, LOL.
What do you do when you got the shits?! You gotta eat food that binds you up my dinner at first was a cup of rice at El Zarrapa, it cost $2.25...grabbed some raw carrots and onions for free too. Pathetic, that's what it is...being broke, somewhat famous...not so rich!!! haha, LOL!
Any who, one of my goals is to develop product, employ all kinds of people and say goodbye forever to poverty. As some may know, most of my life has been dedicated to SOCIAL SERVICE...that said, fuck you if you don't like my photography or my life...I'm a good person, help people on a daily basis and I make controversial photographic art. There!!! Oh, so...I leave Mira Mesa and for the second time today/yesterday I couldn't use my debit Oh man, I have or had $7.40 in the Bank...there's "Capitalism" for ya, LOL...the System or Gas Stations won't allow you to use your card if the balance is TOO LOW!, Fuck that! So, I went to VONS...worried because I'm running out of gas in my car and I've still gotta drive over 20 miles north to get back to work in the morning...but I take a chance, I go to VONS grocery store on Adams Avenue, get a California orange=$1.00, swipe my card...oh, VONS Club card saved me .41 cents btw...and yahoo!!! I got $5 cash back! THUS, I'VE REACHED THE GRAND TOTAL OF $1.81 in my checking account. It's time to make my first million, whoRAY for Capitalism, Humanitarianism, Industrialism, Calvinism, Pragmatism etc, etc, etc...